Student Loans Not a Factor

While the U.S. home ownership rate has neared a half-century low, student debt is not the cause according to a new report by University of Michigan Economics Professor, Susan Dynarski. She debunks the commonly held theory that high levels of student (college) debt has created a drag on the housing market. She further disagrees with […]

First Quarter Inventory Up 33%

According to Multiple Listing System (MLS) statistics released by the Naples Area Board of Realtors, the 1st quarter of this year saw a rise from 4,253 housing units last year to 5,651 properties this year. These figures do not include an estimated 225 new home construction permits issued each month. Actually, the report reveals that […]

Naples Scores #1 Spot For Florida Luxury Level Homes

According to the 2016 International Luxury Market Report, eight Florida cities landed in the top 20 spots for higher-priced real estate and Naples ranked 8th in the world and 1st in Florida in the $1,000,000-plus home sales price segment. While the city is widely known as a luxury level retirement location, several East Coast Florida […]


HA&W Accounting firm, headquartered in Atlanta, announced it has recently certified Preferred Title and Settlement Services as being compliant with American Land Title Association’s (ALTA) Best Practices. This recognition and testing in the title industry is virtually the only way clients have to compare the skill of service companies that conduct real estate closing transactions. […]

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